Monday, January 26, 2009

SHUZEN SENSEI – visiting teacher

Tuesday 3 March 7:00 pm
Novalis Ubuntu Centre, 39 Rosmead Ave, Wynberg (Donation R50)

Thu 5 March (6:00 pm) to Sun 8 March (2:00pm)
Robertson Dharma Centre

(For further information and cost, call 023-626 3515 or email

Shuzen Sensei is a Soto priest who has been practicing Buddhism for more than 25 years. He is the founder and Resident Teacher of Soji Zen Centre in Pennsylvania, USA and his teaching brings together elements of Japanese Soto and Rinzai traditions.

Shuzen Sensei teaches meditation practice and koan study (Zen questions) to cultivate clarity and mindfulness in both beginners and experienced students of Zen Buddhism. He holds a degree in applied human development and uses creative methods to synthesize Western psychology and Zen.

Shuzen Sensei also focuses on the relationship between Zen and the martial arts, holding black belts in Iaido (traditional samurai swordsmanship) and Kendo (Japanese fencing). He founded two Japanese swordsmanship schools in Albany and Salt Lake City